by admin on Thusday, June 13th, 2011

Our work inscribes traces of a person's height from childhood to adulthood on a graffiti tree made of an upright wooden board fixed on the wall. The inscriptions indicate traces of growth. In addition, the graffiti tree is combined with an audio time capsule composed of vocal recordings about personal experience and family life.

Whenever we want to recapture past memories, we touch the traces of growth, by which the recorded voices will be played, as if our voices traveled through a time tunnel from those past moments to our present instant of listening. Grown children can share memories about the process of their growth with their family through the graffiti tree. As for young children, through the graffiti tree, they may create a time cassule filled with invaluable traces and voices of their growing process for their future self.

Original proposal link
Original project Link



  • King-Yuan Chiu
  • Chia-Cheng Hu
  • Heng Chang
